
July 21st

Many people own smart phones and use these to browse the internet. Mobile digital media time was at 51% compared to desktop at 42%. Not only that but 80% of people use their smart phone to search the internet and 42% use a tablet. 

People not only use their smart phones to search the internet but also to access mobile apps. It was…

July 20th


You may have a website that you think is successful, but if you’re not updating it is it really as effective as you think.

Here are some reasons why keeping your website up to date is so important.

Changing your online content regularly can help search engines find you. Search engines like websites that have new content…

July 19th

The main objective of posting on social media platforms is to get some kind of reaction or engagement from people, without this social media is pretty pointless. It can be hard to get engagement from people when your social media platform isn’t very big, but there are ways you can help push your posts out there and get people interacting with…