
October 12th


Matt Cutts is the head of webspam for google. He announced a small upcoming algorithm change which is meant to reduce the amount of low quality exact match domains in search results. Exact match domains contain keywords that exactly match the search query.

Cutts also tweeted, “New exact-match domain (EMD) algo affects 0.6% of…

September 5th

On June 6, Larry Ellison--CEO of Oracle, one of the largest and most advanced computer technology corporations in the world--tweeted for the very first time. In doing so, he joined a club that remains surprisingly elite. Among CEOs of the world’s Fortune 500 companies, a…

August 14th

Surfthechannel used to be one of the UK’s most popular sources of pirated content. 38 year old Anton Vickerman has been found guilty of conspiracy of defraud in June for “facilitating” copyright infringement. had acted as an index of professionally made online videos - both legal and illegal - encouraging its users to send in…