When you are on the internet you may come across some websites that are not attractive in anyway. When you run a website you want customers to keep visiting you site. A lot of customers look at a poorly designed website and leave straight away. I am going to ensure you design your website the right way; here is a look at some of the top website design mistakes you need to avoid.
- – Providing Poor Navigation.
When designing your website one of the biggest mistakes to avoid is providing poor navigation. When visitors come onto your website they want to be able to get around your site easy and without any Hassel. You need to provide your customers with a simple navigation but it needs to be very effective as well. You need to make a navigation that is user friendly. The reason for this is to make your customers experience on your website as pleasant as possible.
- –Making visitors wonder where they’ve landed
When a visitor comes onto your site and go on different pages, you need them to known where they have landed. Each page on your website needs to clearly show them that they are on your website. This is very important just in case the visitor has not been onto your home page yet. Another helpful tip is to make sure that every page on your website links back to your home page.
- –Very Long Pages
When you design your website, very long scrolling pages are a big mistake because users are not going to keep scrolling further and further down the page. The only reason they would keep scrolling is because if they think that there is something good at the bottom. A good idea is to split up content onto different pages of your site. If you do not want to have too many pages on your website then another good thing to do is, make categories on your navigation bar, this makes your site east to navigate.
4.)- Slow Download Times
People who use the internet and are looking for a certain thing, do not have a lot of patience. They want to get the information as quick as possible. If your website has slow download times then users will just leave your site and find another one that is a lot faster. This means when you are working on your website you need to concentrate on your download speeds as this can be costly. A way you can make your download speeds faster is by reducing image file sizes and limit the number of images used on each page of you site.
5.)-Including too many ads
When visitors go onto your site they don’t want to see lots and lots of ads. You might think that ads can earn you a lot of money, whilst that is true it can distract visitors, from what they came to do. Using ads are fine, just make sure you do not have too many of them and make sure they do not over-run the content of your site. You need to have a good balance between ads and content on your site.